Comparison between Microsoft Office and Google Workspace

May 18, 2022

Comparison between Microsoft Office and Google Workspace

When it comes to productivity suites, Microsoft Office and Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) are two of the most popular options in the market. With both offering similar tools for creating, sharing, and collaborating on documents, which one is the better choice for you? Let's take a closer look.


Cost is a significant consideration when choosing a productivity suite. Google Workspace offers both free and paid versions. The free version includes essential tools like Gmail, Docs, Sheets, and Slides but with limited functionality. On the other end, Microsoft Office 365 requires a paid subscription. However, students and educators can get a free subscription for a limited time.

Price wise, Google Workspace comes out on top as it offers more features in the free version.


Accessibility is an essential factor for many users. Both suites can be accessed on various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and computers, either through app or web browser. However, Microsoft Office requires Internet connectivity to work, while Google Workspace can operate offline too.

In terms of accessibility, Google Workspace has the upper hand, as users can access their files even without internet connectivity.


Both productivity suites offer similar tools for word processing, spreadsheet creation, and presentation design tools. Microsoft Office has Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, while Google Workspace has Docs, Sheets, and Slides. However, Microsoft takes things further by offering advanced tools like Outlook for email and Access for database management.

Unless you're looking for advanced tools, Google Workspace should meet most user's needs.


Collaboration is crucial for today's remote workforce, which is why both suites offer several tools to facilitate team collaboration. Both have real-time editing tools, which enable multiple users to work on a file simultaneously.

Google Workspace has a slight advantage in collaboration, with built-in video conferencing functionalities via Google Meet.

Cross-platform integration

Both suites integrate with a range of third-party tools, including CRM, HR, and finance software. Microsoft Office users report no issues during integration regardless of the third-party software. On the other hand, Google Workspace users frequently experience compatibility and version issues with various third-party tools.

When it comes to cross-platform integration, Microsoft Office wins, with an established track record for seamless integration with a range of third-party tools.

Final Thoughts

Both Google Workspace and Microsoft Office offer similar tools and features for creating, sharing, and collaborating on documents. However, small differences like cross-platform integrations, collaboration features, and pricing, can make one suite more useful than the other based on users' needs.

At the end of the day, the choice between Microsoft Office and Google Workspace boils down to personal preferences.


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